March is dedicated to St. Joseph... and St. Joseph wants to intercede for you!

Welcome, we're so happy you're here!

Our Catholic pillowcases make praying easy, for everybody! And they are the best holy gifts for any occasion – from Easter Baskets and First Communions, to Confirmations and Birthdays.
At a cost way less than you'd expect.

Never too young to love the Saints!

Children absorb everything. Want them to develop a relationship with Jesus, Mary, and the saints? Surround them with reverent holy art and prayers in daily life!

The beautiful illustrations on our Catholic pillowcases will remind everyone who sees them to pray!

Fall Asleep with Peace in Your Heart,

and a prayer on your lips.

Now you can get pretty and comforting prayer tools for the whole family!
And Prayer Pillowcases are so affordable that you can gift friends and family with
Catholic Home Decor that brings holy coziness to their homes too!

Sweet Surrender with the Saints

Emulate the saints’ rest in the Lord by resting on their intercession! Pick your patron and your prayer– we have over 50 saint-themed Catholic pillowcases in our shop.
And prayers in three languages!

First Communion prayer and picture on pillowcase with child's name for Sacramental gift.

Personalize any Catholic pillowcase for just $5 more!

“I have called you by name.”

And now, the perfect Catholic gift for every occasion is meant just for them, with personalization available on every pillowcase.

Shop Sacramental Gifts

Catholic pillowcases that help you remember to pray

Prayer Pillowcases help busy Catholic families start and end their day centered on Him. It’s about more than just sleeping in heavenly peace. You desire to have a lived faith, but finding time to pray can feel complicated and overwhelming.

Good news! Everyone uses a pillowcase! Why not have it nurture your faith? From your bed, to your couch to your prayer corner, Prayer Pillowcases make a wonderful foundation for developing prayer habits and sharing the faith with your spouse, children and guests.

Meet Joseph & Leane, your Prayer Pillowcase makers

It's really fun collaborating with our artists on Prayer Pillowcase illustrations and watching our visions unfold. Our Saint portraits intentionally include several layers of meaning to spark teachable moments and prayerful contemplation.

That's a big part of our mission: to help Catholics befriend the saints and pray for their intercession in confidence. Because the holy men and women who've gone before us want to encourage us our own journeys to holiness! We just need to ask.

Our Story

Never forget to pray before bed again.

Always forgetting to say your prayers or letting the angels finish your rosary for you? Not anymore! Shop our full line of Catholic pillowcases that make developing a prayer habit and sharing the faith as easy as making the bed.